
Upachaya houses in astrology

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Upachaya houses in astrology

Upachaya houses in astrology:-The 12 houses of the horoscope have their own characteristics. But it would be interesting to know by what names some special expressions are known and what is their result. Special nouns of houses: There are different nouns of different houses in the birth chart, which are as follows:

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1. Kendra, Chaturta or Kantak

First, fourth, seventh, and tenth these four houses are called Kendra, Chatushtaya or Kantak.

2. Triangle

The fifth and ninth houses are called triangles.

3. Panfar

The second, fifth, eighth, and eleventh house are called Panfar.

4. Apoklim

Kendra Trikona Raja Yoga(Opens in a new browser tab)

The third, sixth, ninth, twelfth are called Apoklim.

5. Upchay

The third, sixth, tenth, eleventh are called Upachaya.

6. Triac

Sixth, eighth, twelfth have triple nouns.

Traits, Apoklim, Trikona, Kendra, Panfar, Characteristics of anabolic expressions

Trik - In Indian astrology, the triad ie- sixth, eighth and twelfth houses have been kept in the category of bad results.

The sixth house is the house of quarrels, lawsuits, debts, illness, the eighth house of death, the darkness of the underworld, the twelfth house of expenditure, salvation, and open sky. There is a mystery story of the planets located in these three houses. The names of the twelfth, eighth and sixth are triads.

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(1) There is also a feature of the triad houses (6, 8, and 12). The lord of these houses, being situated in his own house, or in any of these houses, without any effort (by lottery, speculation, gambling, buried money, bequest, etc.) gives more wealth, prosperity and fame than Rajayag. This situation has been termed as 'Vitra Raja Yoga'. Eighth house is considered to be the most inauspicious place in the triad (6, 8, 12).

(2) Jupiter becomes the most inauspicious for Libra ascendant being the lord of third and sixth house. The third and sixth are counted as triple houses.

(3) Saturn is considered most inauspicious for Cancer ascendant as it becomes the lord of two inauspicious houses. Shani is the lord of seventh house and eighth house and both the houses are inauspicious. The seventh house is the Marak and the eighth house is the triple house.

(4) Mars being the seventh lord and the twelfth lord in Taurus ascendant is considered very inauspicious. Jupiter is also inauspicious due to being the eighth lord and eleventh lord. Eighth house is of obstacles and obstructions and it is also the triple house.

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Panfar - The places after the center 2, 5, 8, 11 are called Panfar.

• If the Moon is in the center from the Sun, then the person's religious education, knowledge, intellect, and wealth are of a low type. In the same way, if the Moon is Panafar i.e. 2, 5, 8, and 11 are placed from the Sun, then the person is of normal type in the above-mentioned qualities.

• If the fifth lord is situated in the fifth house or is near the Ascendant, then after marriage, children are born soon, if it is distant, then in middle age, if it is very far, then in old age, children are obtained. If the fifth lord is in the Kendra, then at the beginning of puberty, if it is in Panfar, then in puberty and in Apoklim, then children are obtained at a higher stage.

• If the Moon is in the center from the Sun, then the person's religious education, knowledge, intellect, and wealth are of a low type. In the same way, if the Moon is Panafar i.e. 2, 5, 8, and 11 are placed from the Sun, then the person is of normal type in the above-mentioned qualities [ Upachaya houses in astrology ].

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