
astrologer in south extension part 1 topaz

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astrologer in south extension part 1 topaz

If Jupiter is in the first house then know the benefits of wearing topaz by astrologer in south extension part 1. 


If the planet Jupiter is sitting in the first house of the horoscope, then by wearing topaz, the person gets the benefit of education, wealth, son, happiness and even the biggest troubles that come on the person get resolved easily. Such a person also does more religious trips.


Let us know that due to the presence of Jupiter in the first house, which people benefit from wearing Pokhraj and who are harmed.


Wearing topaz increases the luck of the person


Aries Ascendant - In this horoscope, Jupiter will be sitting in the first house by being the ninth lord. Therefore, by wearing topaz, the luck of the person increases, he gets respect and the mind becomes weak towards religious works.


Taurus Ascendant-Guru will be situated in the Ascendant being the eighth lord. Therefore, wearing topaz improves financial condition. Some people may have inherited wealth or may get sudden gains. There will also be a desire to know esoteric subjects.


Gemini Ascendant - In this horoscope, Jupiter becomes the seventh-tenth house. Wearing topaz increases the happiness of husband and wife, progress in work, job. Honor and prestige increase and unmarried get a working wife.


Cancer Ascendant-Guru will be situated in the ascendant being the sixth-ninth lord. Wearing topaz will give an opportunity to travel abroad. There will be profit of wealth.


love affairs begin


Leo Ascendant - In this letter, Jupiter will be situated in the ascendant as the fifth lord and the eighth lord. Therefore, by wearing topaz, children get happiness. Secret money is obtained and the love affairs of young men and women begin.


Virgo Ascendant-Guru will be situated in the ascendant being the Chaturtesh-Saptmesh. Wearing topaz will increase domestic happiness. Love will remain with life partner. Some people will get the benefit of house and vehicle.


Libra Ascendant - In this horoscope, Jupiter will be situated in the ascendant by being the third lord-sixth lord. Therefore, wearing topaz is not particularly beneficial. Both auspicious and inauspicious fruits are available, so wear topaz with due care.


Scorpio Ascendant-Guru will be situated in the ascendant being the second lord-fifth lord. Wearing topaz will increase wealth. Children will be happy and you will get success in almost every task.


better health


Sagittarius Ascendant-Guru Ascendant-Chaturthesh will be situated in the Ascendant. Therefore, by wearing topaz, one will get house, vehicle and material things. Health will be better. Success will be achieved by removing the obstacles coming in the work.


Capricorn Ascendant-Guru will be dwadashesh-thirtieth and will be situated in the Ascendant. Wearing topaz will inculcate the spirit of hard work in a lazy person, but health will not be good. So wear topaz judiciously.


Aquarius Ascendant - In this horoscope, Jupiter will be sitting in the ascendant as the second lord. Therefore, wearing topaz will benefit money, there will be good coordination with everyone in the family and there will be benefits in new schemes.


Pisces Ascendant as per astrologer in south extension part 1-Guru will be situated in the ascendant as the tenth-ascendant. Therefore, by wearing topaz, some people will be promoted, there will be an increase in prestige. Health will be good. Business people will get special benefits.

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owcacpogqh Nov 10, 2024 - Sunday

Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?

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