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Astrology on share market

Astrology on share market || Bullish and bearish thoughts according to the position of Mars

When Mars is on the way, then cotton becomes slow.

If Mars in Aries is on the way, then cattle are cheap. If the Mars of Taurus is on the way, then the cotton becomes fast and there is a recession. And silver fluctuates.

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The results of Mars transiting Gemini and Cancer are not for bearishness.

Linseed and wheat grow fast for a month when the lion is on the path of Mars.

If the girl's Mars is on the way, then the substances like cotton, linseed, wheat, oil, oilseeds, etc. become fast and slow.

If Mars is on the way to Libra, it makes food grains expensive in Gujarat and Kutch.

When Mars in Scorpio is on the way, it benefits in four steps.

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If the Mars of Sagittarius is on the way, the grain becomes cheaper.

If Mars is on the way to Capricorn, then the sense of grain increases in Punjab and Bengal.

All types of cereals are cheap when Aquarius is on the way to Mars and the price of grains remains cheap even in Pisces Mars.

When Mars stays between Aries and Scorpio in the signs, the grain remains strong for two months.

In the month when all the planets become retrograde, it is very expensive in that month.

Grain and ghee intensify when Mars is retrograde in Pisces;

Grain is cheap and ghee, oil, etc. fast when it is retrograde in Aquarius;

Due to the retrograde of Mars in Capricorn, substances like iron, machinery, electrical equipment, wheat, linseed, etc.

Wheat and linseed keep increasing and decreasing due to the retrograde of Mars in Cancer.

In which zodiac Mars is retrograde, the grains of that zodiac are definitely fast.

Food should be collected when Mars is retrograde in Magh or Falgun on the 1,2,3rd day of Krishna Paksha. This collection gives quadruple profit only after 15 days. Wheat, Ghee, and Paddy grow in a month in which it rains on the full moon day.

Fast recession thoughts from Saturn

Three days after the rise of Shani, the cotton becomes brighter. Prices of moong, mashale, rice, wheat keep fluctuating. If Saturn is retrograde in Ashwini and Bharani Nakshatra, then there will be pain for one year; The price of cereals and quadrupeds increases. Wheat, Ghee, Shawl, Prabal are intensified when Guru comes on Ashlesha after retrograde on Magha Nakshatra. When Saturn comes retrograde on Jyestha and on Anuradha, then all things become bright. When the goat comes on Uttarashada and comes on Purvashadha, then there is a lot of fluctuation in all the things.

If both Jupiter and Saturn are retrograde together and Saturn is in 10.11 zodiac, then the substances like wheat, sesame, oil, etc. become fast for 9 months. Wheat, rice, moong, sorghum, cereals, dates, nutmeg, ghee, turmeric, indigo, coriander, cumin, fenugreek, opium, horse, etc., fast and gold, silver, gems, rubies, etc. There is an increase and decrease in the prices of coconut, betel nut, clove, sesame, oil, etc. If Saturn is on the way, then in two months oil, asafetida, chillies, torches are bright and opium, cotton, cotton, clothes, etc.

If Saturn is retrograde in Krittika, Rohini, Mrigashira, Ardra, Punarvasu, Pushya, and Ashlesha Nakshatra, then all things are expensive [ Astrology on share market ].

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