
Moon in 12th house in Vedic astrology

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Moon in 12th house in Vedic astrology

Moon in 12th house in Vedic astrology:-If the Moon is in the ascendant, then one or more of the following

yogas should occur in the native - Mook (Guga), Mananta (Mad), Root (Fool), Agha (Blind), Deaf (Deaf) or

Preshya (Servant) or Neech (Nikha) wrongdoer). Many diseases appear in old age. If there is a strong moon or

it is aspected by Jupiter or other auspicious planets, then the bad results are in small quantities. If the Moon of

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Aries, Taurus, or Cancer is in the Ascendant, then there is no suitable type of bad results,

but a person becomes wealthy.

If the Moon is in the second house, then the person is wealthy, has many sons, and

has a family (large family).

If the Moon is in the third house, then the person becomes violent.

Moon in 12th house in Vedic astrology continues....

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If there is moon in the fourth, then the person gets the happiness of all those things which are considered from

the fourth house, i.e., the happiness of the house, the happiness of friends, etc.

If the Moon is in the fifth house, then the person is intelligent and he also gets the

happiness of children.

If there is Moon in the sixth house, then the digestion power of such a person is slow and there is also less desire in Rati. Such a person is lazy but very sharp and has many enemies.

If the Moon is in the seventh house, then the mind of a man is attached to women or women. He is arrogant and jealous.

Moon in 12th house in Vedic astrology continues....

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But if there is moon in the eighth, then the person is very intelligent and remains afflicted by diseases.

One who has Moon in the ninth gets the best happiness of son, friend, bride, wealth, etc.

A person who has Moon in the tenth in his birth chart is rich, intelligent, brave, and religious and attains high status.

If there is moon in the eleventh, the income should be good and become famous. The things which one sees from the eleventh house usually get happiness.

One who has Moon in the twelfth house, he should be poor, limbless (distracted in the eyes).

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